Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 701

Chapter 701


Minutes later, a group of passengers emerged, including a young girl about four or five years old. Bundled in a thick coat and leather boots, she resembled a Little penguin. Her small hands rested on her backpack straps as she trailed after an airport staff member.

Jennie, Tyrone called out, waving his hand.

When Jennie spotted him, her face lit up. She rushed over and threw her arms around Tyrone, planting a kis on his cheek. Uncle! she said with a toothy grin.

Kira applied for airport service. The staff didnt leave until they confirmed that Tyrone was Jennies family.

Tyrone Lifted Jennie into his arms, inquiring, You traveled alone.

Were you scared on the plane?

Jennie shook her head, wrapping her arms around Tyrones neck. Nope.

Grandma said youd be here to pick me up.

Tyrones smile grew as he carried Jennie out of the airport. Youre a brave girl. Lets head home.

Jennie looked around and pouted. Uncle, why didnt Aunt come too? Is she at work?

Tyrones smile faltered momentarily. Gently pinching her cheek, he assured her, Youll find out when we get home.

Undeterred by the mystery, Jennies face beamed with innocence. Sure. I brought gifts for you and Aunt!

Youre thoughtful, Jennie. You can give it to her when you see her.

Alright. Jennie nodded. She seemed curious about Mathias and kept looking around.

Exiting the terminal, she politely asked, Uncle, can you please put me down? I want to walk on my own.

You dont want me to carry you? I thought you Liked me holding you before?

Tyrone gently placed her on the ground and reached for her backpack.

Let me take your backpack for you.

She slid the backpack from her shoulders, passing it to Tyrone. Then, holding one of Tyrones fingers, she walked happily beside him.

When they reached the car, Tyrone opened the back door for Jennie to get in. After helping buckle her into the seat, he closed the door securely behind her. Then he got in on the other side.

When Jennie saw the driver in front, she leaned forward and greeted him warmly. Hello, sir.

